We spoke about the inhabitants of Honolulu: that many
nationalities are there represented and yet all are in great harmony.
‘Abdu’l-Baha said: "Time and place play a great
influence over the conditions; when in a certain place some strangers meet,
necessity requires that they should be in harmony; but our purpose is this,
that the divine unity and concord may become well established among all the
nations, so that they may become as one spirit in different bodies; the drops
of one ocean; the fruits of one tree and the rays of the same sun. In America,
when the different people united together they were enabled to drive away the
English government and establish a new government for themselves. Consider how
great is the result of unity and harmony! There has never been any action
performed nor any philanthropic deed achieved except through unity and concord;
disagreement and dissension have always been the means of evil and corruption."
(‘Abdu’l-Baha’s words recorded by Mirza Moneer Zaine in Haifa during the pilgrimage
of Howard Struven and Charles Mason Remey; Star of the West, vol. 1, no. 8, August 1,