In many different conversations with us, Shoghi Effendi
made it clear that the Baha’i Organization is not political and bears no
resemblance to a political system.
It is a Divine Organization, the Institute of God for the
establishment of His Kingdom upon earth. Shoghi Effendi said that this
Institute is perfect, although its functioning and operation is necessarily
imperfect in our present state of development and understanding, but as the
Baha’is become matured and perfected, it will be found to be the most perfect
Institute the world has ever known.
He said that in all elections, whether of local Spiritual
Assembly, of delegates to the convention or in electing the National Assembly,
the believers must be entirely free from personality, basing their choice on
the spiritual qualifications of those whom they elect according to the explicit
instructions of 'Abdu’l-Baha. They must have no prejudices, no preconceived
ideas, they must not discuss these matters previous to election with anyone nor
even breathe the name of a single person in connection with the possibility of
their election; thus they will purify the Cause of every trace of human