The English king, with his pomp and
grandeur, used to address the sun and say: 'Thou dost never disappear from my
lands' but now he is buried under the earth. Some time ago the flags at the top
of the masts proclaimed the day of his ascension to the throne; but today the
flags are at half mast, for he is dead. The flags and banners of the Beloved
are ever waving at the top of the masts; they are never inverted; nay, rather,
they go on higher day by day; in fact, theirs is the sovereignty. Without
fighting forces they conquer the cities; and without taking any tribute they
bestow and give freely. The kings gain their victory through bloodshed and the
taking of life; whereas the Beloved of God confer life and are victorious. The
sovereignty of the friends is an eternal one.
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (From a talk, Holy Land, 10 May 1910, recorded by Mason Remey; Star of the
West, vol. 1, no. 8, August 1, 1910)