You must be like these swift-moving, luminous clouds. They
move, nothing hinders them… Let nothing hinder you. Speak always of the Love of
God. Teach the people what the Love of God is. Give them the Glad Tidings. Let
nothing hinder thee; let nothing touch thy spirit which is not in conformity
with the teachings of the Blessed Beauty. Be ever engaged in the service of the
Kingdom. Do not let the unpleasant things annoy you. You must be as far removed
from them as these clouds are above us. The important thing is to spread the
Teachings, to show love and compassion, to be kind to all, and not wound the
feelings of others. If we do not like to associate with some people, very well,
it is not compulsory. We can let them alone and become so busy with
constructive work, that there is no time to waste upon such matters. We do not
waste our time in discussing non-essentials. Neither must you do this. Forget
every unpleasantness of the past; speak only of constructive work, of the Love
of God, of the compassion and mercy of God. Seek to make others happy!
- 'Abdu'l-Baha (Words
of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, recorded by Marie A. Watson during her pilgrimage in 1921,
published in ‘My Pilgrimage to the Holy Land’)